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Table 4 Health-related quality of life assessment among rheumatoid arthritis patients and controls

From: Sleep quality, anxiety, depression, and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis patients and impact of disease activity 


RA (n = 30)

Control (n = 30)

P value*

SF-36 domains

 ▪ Physical functioning

42.50 (40.00–50.00)

90.00 (80.00–100.00)

 < 0.001

 ▪ limitations due to physical health

25.00 (0.00–50.00)

75.00 (75.00–100.00)

 < 0.001

 ▪ limitations due to emotional problems

33.30 (0.00–66.60)

83.30 (66.60–100.00)

 < 0.001

 ▪ Vitality

40.00 (25.00–50.00)

80.00 (70.00–90.00)

 < 0.001

 ▪ Emotional well-being

48.00 (40.00–54.00)

70.00 (68.00–80.00)

 < 0.001

 ▪ Social functioning

50.00 (34.37–50.00)

75.00 (75.00–87.50)

 < 0.001

 ▪ Pain

45.00 (45.00–55.00)

77.50 (75.00–80.00)

 < 0.001

 ▪ General health

40.00 (30.00–50.00)

80.00 (70.00–90.00)

 < 0.001

  1. Data expressed as median (IQR)
  2. *Mann–Whitney U test compares median between groups. The P value was significant if < 0.05
  3. RA rheumatoid arthritis, SF-36 short form health survey