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Table 4 Important definitions for GCA diseasea

From: Step forward towards treat-to-target management of giant cell arteritis: patients stratification aiming to targeted remission – updated guidelines

Disease activity state


Suspected GCA

Clinical manifestations suggestive of GCA and not explained by other conditions

Active Disease

1. The presence of typical signs or symptoms of active GCA, plus:

2. At least one of the following:

 - Current activity confirmed by imaging or temporal artery biopsy

 - GCA associated ischaemic complications

 - Persistently elevated inflammatory markers (after exclusion of other causes)

Severe Disease

Vasculitis with life-or organ-threatening manifestations (e.g., vision loss, cerebrovascular ischemia, cardiac ischemia, limb ischemia, tongue ischemia)

Non-severe disease

Vasculitis without life-or organ-threatening manifestations (e.g., constitutional symptoms, headache, jaw claudication, symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica)


Recurrence of active disease following a period of remission

Major Relapse

Recurrence of active disease with either of the following:

a. Clinical features of ischaemiaa (including jaw claudication, visual symptoms, visual loss attributable to GCA, scalp necrosis, stroke, limb claudication)

b. Evidence of active aortic inflammation resulting in progressive aortic or large vessel dilatation, stenosis or dissection

aCranial Ischemia: Visual and neurologic involvement including amaurosis fugax, vision loss, and stroke

Minor Relapse

Recurrence of active disease, not fulfilling the criteria for a major relapse


Persistent active disease (inability to induce remission) despite the use of an appropriate course of immunosuppressive therapy


-Absence of clinical signs or symptoms attributed to active GCA, on or off immunosuppressive therapy

-Normal ESR and CRP

-No evidence of progressive narrowing or dilatation of blood vessels

Sustained remission

1. Remission for at least 6 months

2. Achievement of the individual target GC dose

Glucocorticoid-free remission

Sustained remission

Discontinued GC therapy (but could still be receiving other immunosuppressive therapy)

Clinical monitoring

Assessing for clinical signs and symptoms of active disease, obtaining 4 extremity blood pressures, and obtaining clinical laboratory results, including inflammation marker levels

  1. aQuoted with amendments from EULAR consensus definition [35]
  2. GCA Giant cell arthritis, ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP C-reactive protein, GC Glucocorticoids