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Table 3 The economic impact of hip fractures in Egypt: mean total direct non-surgical health-care costs in the first year after osteoporotic hip fracture

From: Health economics: direct cost of osteoporotic hip fracture in Egypt—an analysis for the Egyptian healthcare system by the Egyptian Academy of Bone Health

Cost item

Hip fracture mean costa

Accident and emergency

2500 (Egyptian pound) [US $85]


2000 (Egyptian pound) [US $70]

BMD test

500 (Egyptian pound) [US $ 20]

Imaging services (X-ray/CT/MRI)

2000 (Egyptian pound) [US $70]

Rehabilitation services

10,000 (Egyptian pound) [US $340]

Laboratory services

1000 (Egyptian pound) [US $40]


10,000 (Egyptian pound) [US $40]


28,000 (Egyptian pound) [US $1000]

  1. aPrices are calculated based on the economic tariff set in January 2023. Private practice costs are double the standard economic tariff (not included). The listed costs are subject to change in response to the devaluation of the Egyptian pound