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Table 1 Search strings used for chronic and neuropathic pain

From: Management of chronic and neuropathic pain—journey mapping in Egypt

Chronic pain—excluding acute pain and neuropathic pain

 • low back pain/OR chronic pain/ OR fibromyalgia/ OR rheumatoid arthritis/OR osteoarthritis/OR Arthritis/OR headache/OR Migraine/OR musculoskeletal pain/ OR "Chronic pain" or Fibromyalgia or "low-back pain" or rheumatoid or osteoarthrit* or "Arthritic pain" or "Arthritis pain" or headache or Migraine or "musculoskeletal pain" AND

 • Incidence or Prevalence or Occurrence or burden or Epidemiolog* or Screen* or Treat* or Management or Therap* or Aware* or Unaware* or Knowledge or Diagnos* or Undiagnos* or Adheren* or Complian* or nonadheren* or non-adheren* or Control* or uncontrol* or Untreat* AND

 • Egypt*

Neuropathic pain—excluding acute pain

 • neuropathic pain/ OR neuralgia/ OR neuropathy/ OR neuropath* pain OR neurogenic pain OR neuralgia OR nerve pain OR diabet* neuropath* OR nerve injury OR peripheral neuropath* OR spinal cord injury or postoperative pain AND

 • Incidence or Prevalence or Occurrence or burden or Epidemiolog* or Screen* or Treat* or Management or Therap* or Aware* or Unaware* or Knowledge or Diagnos* or Undiagnos* or Adheren* or Complian* or nonadheren* or non-adheren* or Control* or uncontrol* or Untreat* AND

 • Egypt*

  1. 1. Search filters—year 2010–2019 (search from 11 December 2019), Human, English, full text
  2. 2. Search terms for the unstructured search, in addition to similar MeSH terms as shown above ➔ hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease