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Table 2 Levels of evidence

From: Egyptian recommendations for the management of systemic lupus erythematosus: a consensus, evidence-based, clinical practice guidelines for treat-to-target management

Level of evidence


Systematic review of all relevant randomized clinical trials or n-of-1 trials


Randomized trial or observational study with dramatic effect


Non-randomized controlled cohort/follow-up study (observational)


Case series, case–control study, or historically controlled study


Mechanism-based reasoning (expert opinion, based on physiology, animal, or laboratory studies)

Grades of recommendation


Consistent level 1 studies


Consistent level 2 or 3 studies, or extrapolations from level 1 studies


Level 4 studies, or extrapolations from level 2 or 3 studies


Level 5 evidence or troubling, inconsistent or inconclusive studies of any level