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Table 5 Comparison between the three subgroups (according to severity) of COVID infection regarding percentage of change in bone mineral density (BMD) at femur and lumbar spine after 9 months

From: Bone mineral density changes in osteoporotic and osteopenic patients after COVID-19 infection





Test of sig


Lumbar BMD

COVID (n = 56)


 − 2.09 (− 5.59 to 19.46)

 − 6.11 (− 10.98 to 7.38)

 − 15.14 (− 19.25 to − 9.21)

H = 37.69*

 < 0.00001*

Femur BMD

COVID (n = 56)


 − 1.02 (− 9.46 to 13.46)

 − 3.84(− 9.41 to 1.71)

 − 7.78(− 27.09 to − 1.95)

H = 16.79*

0. 00,023*

  1. p value for comparing between comparing between the three subgroups of COVID (according to severity)
  2. H Kruskal–Wallis test, BMD bone mineral density, COVID coronavirus disease
  3. *Statistically significant at p ≤ 0.05