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Table 1 Key clinical questions used to develop the guidelines

From: Consensus evidence-based clinical practice recommendations for the management of fibromyalgia


Key questions

Targeted patients

Who are the targeted patients?

Treatment targets

What are the FM treatment targets?


1. How is FM diagnosed?

2. Should tender points be considered in the diagnosis of FM?


What investigations should be done in a patient presenting with widespread pain?

Patient evaluation

Can patient-reported outcomes be used as a tool for the diagnosis and evaluation of patients with FM?


 Treatment strategy

What are the treatment strategies for FM?

 Non-pharmacologic therapy

What are recommended non-pharmacologic treatments?


Which type of exercise is most effective: strength and/or aerobic training?

 Pharmacologic therapy

What are the recommended pharmacologic treatments?

Are combined pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches to management more effective than single modality management?

Treatment of FM as a comorbidity

How should FM be managed when it occurs as a comorbidity to inflammatory arthritis?


What are the factors that may help to predict outcomes in FM?


How should patients with FM be followed as regards function, global status, and quality of life?


What is the role of self-management in the treatment of patients with FM?