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Table 1 Investigations before and after treatment

From: Good response to plasmapheresis and mycophenolate mofetil in a patient with anti-synthetase syndrome associated with peripheral neuritis and severe prosthetic aortic valve stenosis

Investigations (normal range)

Before treatment

After 5 months of treatment

ESR in the first hour

Over 100 mm

22 mm

CRP (0−5)

36 mg/L

4.1 mg/L

CPK (33−211)

12970 U/L

254 U/L

CK-MB (0−5)

179 ng/ml

30.3 ng/ml

Troponin (0−0.04)

5 μg/L

0.04 μg/L

ALT (0−33)

490 U/L

49 U/L

AST (0−32)

373 U/L

37 U/L

Aldolase (1−7.5)

30.5 U/L

9.5 U/L

LDH (140−280)

1231 U/L

190 U/L

Ferritin (24−300)

2376 ng/mL

150 ng/mL

Albumin (3.5−5.5)

2.6 g/dL

3.9 g/dL

HB (11.5−15.5)

10.9 g/dl

12.4 g/dl

TLC (4−11)

19.02 thousand/cmm

7.2 thousand/cmm

Platelets (150−450)

582 thousand/cmm

264 thousand/cmm

Total cholesterol (up to 200)

207 mg/dL

153 mg/dL

Serum triglycerides (0−150)

173 mg/dL

150 mg/dL

HDL cholesterol (40−60)

37 mg/dL

29 mg/dL

LDL cholesterol (0−100)

135 mg/dL

69 mg/dL

  1. ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CPK Creatine phosphokinase, CK-MB Creatine kinase-myoglobin binding, ALT Alanine aminotransferase, AST Aspartate aminotransferase, LDH Lactic dehydrogenase, HB Hemoglobin, TLC Total leucocyte count, CRP C-reactive protein, HDL High-density lipoprotein, LDL Low-density lipoprotein, mg/L Milligrams per liter, U/L Units per liter, ng/ml Nanograms per milliliter, μg/L Microgram/liter, g/dL Grams per deciliter, mg/dL Milligrams per deciliter