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Table 4 Comparison between male patients and male controls regarding sexual function domains, sexual scores and androgens levels

From: Evaluation of sexual dysfunction and its predictive factors in female and male patients with rheumatoid arthritis


Male patients (n = 94 )

Male controls(n = 80)

Test of sig.


Domain A (30)

 No (26–30)

32 (34.0)

46 (57.5)

χ2 = 31.311*

< 0.001*

 Mild (17–25)

14 (14.9)

22 (27.5)

 Moderate (11–16)

34 (36.2)

4 (5)

 Severe (0–10)

14 (14.9)

8 (10)

 Mean ± SD.

17.5 ± 7.7

23.7 ± 6.8

U = 1898.0*

< 0.001*

 Median (min.–max.)

14 (2–28)

27 (5–30)

Domain B (10)

 Mean ± SD.

6.3 ± 2

7.4 ± 2

U = 1738.0

< 0.074

 Median (min.–max.)

5 (1–9)

8 (1–10)

Domain C (10)

 Mean ± SD.

7.0 ± 2.3

7.5 ± 2.4

U = 3214.0


 Median (min.–max.)

7 (1–10)

8 (1–10)

Domain D (15)

 Mean ± SD.

9.7 ± 3.9

11.4 ± 4.2

U = 2768.0*


 Median (min.–max.)

10 (2–15)

13 (1–15)

Domain E (10)

 Mean ± SD.

6.5 ± 2.8

7.9 ± 2

U = 3022.0*


 Median (min.–max.)

7 (1–10)

9 (3–10)

Sexual function total score

 No dysfunction (> 60)

34 (36.2%)

42 (52.5%)

χ2 = 4.685*


 Dysfunction (≤ 60)

60 (63.8%)

38 (47.5%)

 Severe (0–15)

2 (2.1%)

4 (5.0%)

χ2 = 48.403*

< 0.001*

 Moderate (16–30)

6 (6.4%)

4 (5.0%)

 Mild to moderate (31–45)

44 (46.8%)

4 (5.0%)

 Mild (46–60)

8 (8.5%)

26 (32.5%)

 No dysfunction (61–75)

34 (36.2%)

42 (52.5%)

 Mean ± SD.

46.5 ± 16.3

57.8 ± 15.8

U = 2206.0*

< 0.001*

 Median (min.–max.)

40 (13–71)

64 (12–75)

SHBG level

 Mean ± SD.

27.8 ± 13.4

27.6 ± 9

U = 3572.0


 Median (min.–max.)

28 (10–63)

26 (14–59)

Level of total testosterone

 Mean ± SD.

29.9 ± 12.3

30.2 ± 10.8

U = 3480.0


 Median (min.–max.)

31 (9.1–51)

28.5 (14–64)

Level of free testosterone

 Mean ± SD.

16.7 ± 6.4

17.9 ± 5.6

U = 3444.0


  Median (min.–max.)

15 (6.1–30)

19 (8–27)

  1. Qualitative data were described using no. (%). U Mann-Whitney test , χ2 chi-square test, P P value for comparing between Control male and Cases male. *Statistically significant at P ≤ 0.05