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Table 4 Distribution of trigger fingers among different fingers of the hands of patients with trigger finger

From: Association between carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger finger: a clinical and electrophysiological study

Distribution of trigger fingers among different fingers of the hand

TF group

(n = 25 hands from 22 patients)

n (%) a

CTS with TF group

(n = 28 hands from 24 patients)

n (%) b

Test of significance



Thumb TF

5 (20.0) a

12 (42.9) b


0.088 c

Index TF

2 (8.0)

3 (10.7)


0.555 c

Middle TF

13 (52.0) a

6 (21.4)


0.025* c

Ring TF

6 (24.0) a

8 (28.6) b


0.763 c

Little TF

1 (4.0)

0 (0)


0.472 c

  1. TF, trigger finger; CTS, carpal tunnel syndrome, n (%), number (percentage) of hands; X2, value of Pearson’s chi-squared test.
  2. *P is significant at < 0.05.
  3. aThere were two hands (8%) which had two fingers with TF in each hand obtained from two different patients (9.1%). These two hands were mentioned twice. Subsequently, the counted number of the hands in the table was 27 hands. These were as the following: (i) one hand had thumb TF and middle TF. It was mentioned twice (once with thumb TF and the other time with middle TF). (ii) One hand had middle TF and ring TF. It was mentioned twice (once with middle TF and the other time with ring TF).
  4. bThere was one hand (3.6%) of a patient (4.2%) which had two fingers with TF (thumb TF and ring TF). This hand was mentioned twice (once with thumb TF and the other time with ring TF). Subsequently, the counted number of the hands in the table was 29 hands.
  5. cP value of Fisher’s exact test.