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Table 4 Comparison between the mean serum and synovial IL-37 levels in the RA group in respect to the disease activity (DAS-28)

From: Interleukin-37 as an anti-inflammatory cytokine: does its relation to disease activity suggest its potential role in rheumatoid arthritis therapy?

IL-37 (Mean ± SD)

DAS-28 (50, 100%)


Severe/moderate (17, 44%)

Mild/remission (33, 56%)

(Mean ± SD)

Serum IL 37 pg/ml

457.94 ± 48.96

341.77 ± 52.09

< 0.001*

Synovial IL 37 pg/ml

672.64 ± 50.03

556.63 ± 46.61

< 0.001*

  1. RA rheumatoid arthritis, DAS Disease Activity Score, IL-37 interleukin-37, pg/ml picogram per milliliter, P ≤ 0.05* significant