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Table 1 Comparison between RA patients with neuropathic pain and those without neuropathic pain

From: Neuropathic pain in a sample of Egyptian patients with rheumatoid arthritis


RA patients with neuropathic pain (n = 14)

RA patients without neuropathic pain (n = 98)

P value





1 (7.1%)

8 (8.2%)


13 (92.9%)

90 (91.8%)


49 ± 7.75

44.27 ± 10.29


Education level



 No formal education

9 (64.3%)

65 (66.3%)

 Primary education

3 (21.4%)

14 (14.3%)


 Secondary education

1 (7.1%)

10 (10.2%)


 Tertiary education

1 (7.1%)

9 (9.2%)


Disease duration (years)

11.21 ± 1.67

4.66 ± 1.47


RF (IU/mL)



11 (78.6%)

70 (71.4%)



3 (21.4%)

28 (28.6%)

Anti-CCP (u/ml)



7 (50%)

58 (59.2%)



7 (50%)

40 (40.8%)

VAS (0–100 mm)

7.36 ± 1.34

1.91 ± 1.08

< 0.001

DAS-28 score

5.27 ± 0.82

2.33 ± 0.71

< 0.001


1.19 ± 0.41

0.26 ± 0.27

< 0.001

BMI (kg/m2)

24.07 ± 1.98

20.46 ± 1.56

< 0.001

ESR (mm/h)

54.14 ± 19.73

20.86 ± 6.41

< 0.001

CRP (mg/L)

27.43 ± 11.93

4.13 ± 3.89

< 0.001


8.00 ± 0.96

1.88 ± 0.82

< 0.001

  1. Data was expressed as means ± SD for quantitative data, and numbers and percentages for qualitative data. P values were obtained using Pearson’s chi-squared test for the comparison of percentages of qualitative variables between the two groups, and Fisher’s exact test was used in cases of non-parametric data. On the other hand, p values were obtained using independent t test comparing the means of quantitative variables between the two groups, and Mann Whitney test was used instead of t test to compare the median rather than the means in cases of non-parametric data
  2. RF Rheumatoid factor, Anti-CCP Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide, VAS Visual analog scale of pain, DAS-28 Disease activity for 28 joint indices score, HAQ Health assessment questionnaire, BMI Body mass index, ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP C-reactive protein, DN4 Douleur Neuropathique in 4 questionnaire