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Fig. 17 | Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation

Fig. 17

From: An overview of neuromuscular ultrasound of important small nerves

Fig. 17

Sonoanatomy of the musculocutaenous nerve. A Short-axis view of the musculocutaneous nerve at the axilla appearing as honeycomb oblong structure running between the superficial short and long heads of the biceps and the deeper coracobrachialis. B Short-axis view of the musculocutaneous nerve at the midarm appearing as a tiny flat structure running in the fascial plane between the superficial biceps brachii and the deep brachialis. C Short-axis view at the anterior lateral aspect of the cubital fossa showing the musculocutaneous nerve terminating superficially as the lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve adjacent to the cephalic vein and lateral to the biceps tendon. D Short-axis view of the musculocutaneous nerve at the proximal axilla traversing the coracobrachialis

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